If you require any more additional information or you have any question in your mind then put your comments in the comments box to get answer.
Always Keep Remember
All the information on our website – https://www.healthsuperclub.com/ – is published in a good faith and for general health purpose. Through our articles we try to share with you every big and small available information of the particular products.
All the products mentioned on our website does not claim that they treat, diagnose, prevent or cure any major disease such as cancer, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease etc. These supplements are only for to change the lifestyle. In any case, if the website is not available or you find provided detail irrelevant then we are here to take responsibility.
Do not Use the Supplement Before Consulting with your doctor
Our dear and valuable customers our products do not provide you any harmful effects. However if you are suffering from any illness or with any disease then it is necessary for you to consult your family doctor and tell him about your problem.
Terms & Conditions
Before buying any product or services on Health Super Club, we advise our users to read first our privacy policy carefully. Whenever the users buy any product he/she must have to follow our term and conditions.
Because reading and understanding term and conditions can help you to avoid some extra charges that are clearly stated on the official website. As many people become surprise when they find out that they have to pay extra charges, therefore carefully read all the instruction and the articles given on our website.